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5 tools designers keep a secret

This article is designated to one of the biggest web design pain points. That’s right, we’re talking about inspiration.

Some people say great ideas are born from pure genius. In Humbleteam, we believe it’s a healthy combination of creativity and research. We’ve asked our team to spill the beans and share the tools they use daily to unleash that creative spirit.

Today we’ve got covered on the latter. So, lean back, sit tight and let us introduce you to 5 web resources to boost your creative process.

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#1. Landing made easy

SaaS landing page examples are a collection of best landing page examples from top-notch companies across multiple industries.

Whether you’re looking to design a killer landing page or a user-friendly FAQ section, this is definitely a place to start.

Get inspired and see how successful companies cater to their web pages to the highest standards.

5 tools designers keep a secret. Image 1

#2. Inbox inspiration

Let’s face it — writing emails is not everyone’s first choice of a hobby. Designing an email that will do the job and preferably won’t be archived within seconds of receiving is even more challenging.

Really Good Emails is a curated collection of corporate emails that manifest both design and copy. We might have found inspiration for this week’s newsletter there. Let us know if it worked :)

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#3. Everybody’s type

Looking for a perfect font? We know the struggle. Font In Use is a searchable archive of typographic design. You can filter by type, format, and topic. Fair warning: it’s easy to get carried away with this font variety. It’s typorgasmic. Thank us later!

5 tools designers keep a secret. Image 3

#4. Inspiration organised

SiteInspire is a showcase of the finest web and interactive design. If you’re looking to share your works, learn from others, browse award-winning ideas, and most importantly, get inspired — this is the place to be.

5 tools designers keep a secret. Image 4

#5. A bundle of joy

Similar to the previous contestant but with an expanded product range, Land-book is an aggregation on top-notch landing pages. Offer is inclusive of but not limited to store interfaces, portfolios and blogs.

5 tools designers keep a secret. Image 5

And just like that, you’re fully equipped for a dose of design inspiration with the help of the tools designers cherish and keep to themselves.

Now it's your turn, let us know what are your go-to's to stimulate idea generation and keep the creative process going! Also, subscribe to hear about legendary business pivots on our CTRL SHIFT podcast.

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